Sunday, January 31, 2010

Welcome, Spring Semester 2010

How can you tell classes have started at W&M?

Play the game I fondly call "Count the Coffees".

Four Coffees (i.e. fifth class session of MATH 104 at 9:00am)

As any college student knows, those first few classes don't actually count. Professors are just reading syllabi, learning names, and half the students present won't be taking any the class by the next session.

However, when the coffee cups come out, the academic endeavors have started. One or two coffees are negligible because there's always that guy who can't even walk without an appropriate dose of caffeine, but once you get above "a couple"/"a few" and into "several" coffee cups appearing in a single class, the semester has begun.

(Exception to the rule: 8am classes. Either the students are caffeine-run, or "morning people", and the latter is likely just a myth.)

Friday morning, when I looked up saw four coffee cups without even turning my head, I knew it's time to actually pay attention.

Happy Beginning-of-the-Semester, W&M.

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